Sunday, 4 March 2012

Turning into my Mother

There are many things that we, as kids, used to give my Mom a hard time about. Some of them I now find myself doing with McKenna. Oh, the horror! To give you an example, Mom always had to have a vehicle in the yard. It didn't matter if she was home sick with pneumonia, she wanted that car parked and ready.

Fast forward 15 years or so, and I woke up one morning to find that Greg had taken the Escape to work. We have two vehicles, but only one has a car seat base (the Escape). I immediately texted him, saying `you took my freedom!` For some reason he was confused as to what I was referring to, so I explained that he had taken the wrong vehicle. He immediately apologized and asked if I needed to go anywhere. I replied no, I didn`t have any plans really, but I would like the truck...get this...JUST IN CASE. In case of what? A flash flood? A zombie invasion? A sudden case of head lice? case of panic. On days when I am home alone with the baby and without a vehicle, I find myself feeling trapped. More often than not, I don't have anywhere that I need to be, no errands that absolutely must be completed. Heck, even when I do have a vehicle, I usually don't go anywhere. But I like to have the option. Because sometimes I do need to get out of the house, and even though I have no agenda and no real reason to pack up the baby and go, I need to. Because sometimes it can feel very lonely to be home with a baby all day, with no adults to talk to. Because sometimes I need a reason to get out of my pyjamas. So he brought home the truck for me, and it never left the driveway all afternoon. But that`s not the point.